dancing silhouettes in front of piercing red background

Theatre Collective

Theatre Collective

Theatre Collective is committed to producing successful theater with minimal technical requirements and budget. This allows us to focus on the content of the work itself. We allow BA Theater Studies students to create art and use the talents they learn in class.

The program is part of the Department’s initiative to foster a performance culture at Montclair State that embraces multiple modes of creativity. Some things we focus on are lighting, students’ original work, exploring innovative performance techniques, directing, and experimenting with new dramatic material. The possibilities for theatrical expression are almost limitless.


The Process, an original piece directed by Elisabetta Bracer (2022)


What Do We Do?
Students are encouraged to create original work, plays, musicals, and present scenes, one act plays and full length published works. All productions have minimal to no technical support with the emphasis being on the text, training the actors and providing the opportunity to experience a garage theatre style environment. 

How Does it Work?

The Theatre Collective creative team will accept student proposals for the upcoming semester. Students will submit a project to be reviewed through a Google Form before the semester begins, and this piece of art will be considered by the team. If approved, all directors will attend Theatre Collective’s general auditions to cast their show. The director is responsible for their rehearsal schedule up until opening in a Life Hall studio space with the support of the Theatre Collective team! Shows may have no more than 8 actors, and must have minimal budget and technical elements.

Theatre Collective is an opportunity for student actors, directors, playwrights, and designers to develop and hone their artistic voice for self-expression.

Yellow Moon: The Ballad of Leila and Lee, directed by Emery Meyers (2021)

Who Do I Contact?

Faculty Advisor
Professor marcus harvey


Graduate Assistant
Madie Jones


Artistic Director
Maggie Aube


Artistic Associate
Mia Watson


Technical Director
Jess Vaccaro


Technical Shadow
Dakota Rios



F.A.S.T. is advised by Professor marcus harvey, aided by graduate assistant Madie Jones, and curated by student Artistic Director Maggie Aube, Technical Director Jess Vacarro, and Apprentices Mia Watson and Dakota Rios. Students who have ideas about projects for F.A.S.T. should submit a proposal to the F.A.S.T team. We can be contacted via instagram @fast.msu or via our email fast.msu@gmail.com.

Learn more about Theatre Studies at Montclair